Saved my family from supernatural encounter.

 So, this thing happened about 3-4 months back. I was in grade 10 that time and so my parents gave me the duty to close all doors of house every night. My house had two doors, one door was outside and was made of steel and other was made of wood. If you have to enter my house, you need to open the steel door first, then walk a few steps and then open the wooden door. You can not open or even touch the wooden door without opening the steel door if you are outside the house. 

Back to the incident, one night, after I locked all the doors I wished my parents and my small sister good night and went to sleep. I was about to sleep when I heard my mom saying "someone's knocking the door" and asked my small sister to open it. I heard the sound of knocking and I can easily distinguish someone knocking on wooden door and someone knocking on steel door. The steel door knocking was like knocking on a metal and the wooden door knocking was like knocking on a wood. My parents knows it too but I guess that time they thought I forgot to lock the door. I heard the knocking and it was like the wooden door knock and didn't pay attention to it. But suddenly somthing struck my mind, I remembered locking both the doors properly and it is not possible for someone to knock on wooden door. I literally jumped out of my bed and rushed to the main hall where my parents and my small sister were watching tv. Right before I jumped out, I heard my sister arguing with my mom that she does not want to stand up and open the door as she's tired but my mom somehow convinced her to open. So, when I reached the main hall, I saw my sister was about to open the door. I quickly rushed to door, stopped my sister from opening the door, threw her back in main hall and locked the door back on. My sister was about to cry since I pushed her and my parents were about to scold me but I explained I remember locking doors and my parents also looked horrified. The knocking continued for 2 minutes or so and we were all standing on the door and praying for the knocking to stop. I can't explain how horrified I felt that time. Soon after, I heard someone say "I'll find other house then" from other side of door and then nothing, pure silence. I can't explain how that voice sounded like, it was neither like a girl, nor a boy, it was somewhat different but it was sure that whoever was knocking the door meant no good.

After that, my sister was so frightened she didn't sleep the whole night and was sick in morning. She remained in bed for like a week or so and then everything was back to normal. Now, I always remember to lock the door properly and before sleeping I tell my parents and sister that all doors are properly locked.
